EF'ing life

By AnnaKC


Met up with a friend in the park and E had her first proper go on a swing (until now she just wobbled about and looked confused).

F1 had Tae Kwon-do again today which he enjoyed again despite "not really knowing what it's all about".

F2 seemed ok with school again today. However the most exciting thing, according to him, was that Tom was sick. This means my stupid random annoying sick phobia has kicked in. Seriously considering talking to the Dr about it as it does hamper my day to day life (I think/worry about one of the children catching a tummy bug every day, I've considered quitting work so E doesn't have to go to nursery and thus avoids bugs, I get scared of being on my own with the kids in case one gets sick). It's totally irrational! Weirdly once one is sick I am totally calm and the panic is over. It's the not knowing that gets me. What do you think blip? Get advise? Arg.

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