
By SLPlearning

Out of the Blue

This card arrived yesterday from some learners we haven't seen in a while-it was a welcome sight and it talked to us about how their lives had changed by being part of SLP.

Inside it is an inspiring piece of poetry, painting a picture of their lives, described using a variety of colours. The first verse started with them being so blue when the met us that they thought most people just didn't care any more, it moved through from red, yellow, green, purple and back to blue.

The last verse uses an entirely different meaning for the colour blue, this time they talk about showing an inner security and confidence. Speaking of taking control and doing the right thing in difficult times and more importantly, promoting both physical and mental relaxation.

I think their choice of Degas' Dancers in Blue just captures that confidence really well.

Plant lots of optimistic thoughts and hope will climb the walls of your mind, color coordinate your thoughts; words and actions with sky blue optimism. Keep your mind open like a window so that optimism can waft in out of the blue. What you plant in your mind you will reap in the garden of your life.

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