Desperately seeking

By clickychick


Apart from the fact that a trip to a hospital is rarely a welcome one, I love the snippets of life seen reflected in its shiny, slightly warped lettering.

A bit how life is visiting someone in hospital:
... snippets of news from the person you are visiting.
... snippets from the staff about how their condition is progressing.
... snippets about what the woman in the next bed had for breakfast.
... snippets about the bus journey of the visitors opposite.
... snippets of the doctor's suggestions for behind a curtained bed.
... snippets you glean as you hug the stranger who's mother is being moved.

Well, the important snippets I have to report today are that The Mother was talkative again. Because she came alone in the ambulance I felt it necessary to discuss her history with the doctor. Her oedema and immobility, as they were attempting to get her to weight bear. One of her legs is now bandage-free!

She won't be discharged in a hurry, they want a skin-viability report done, a bone density assessment done and a session with the Physio to get her as well as she can be before she is allowed out. AND I went on again about her recent fracture, still not immobilised after she removed her plaster 4 days ago. SUCCESS! It is now safely good and FIRM in bright red acrylic.

This is good news.

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