New lunch spot

I'm down in London for the day and I've found another unusual and tasty place to eat.

The photo is of the way down to the loo in this Lebanese cantina. I found it after I'd spent a long time making the most of the Constable Exhibition at the V and A. It's near Thurloe Place.

I've never really known much about Constable. Yes, I've seen The Hay Wain but not really given him much thought.

The exhibition looks at how he became interested in art, meeting a neighbour, and how he learned his technique originally by copying great masters and sketching in oils outside.

He spent a week near Borrowdale "in extreme weather" in 1806 and most of the time he was sketching in oils in the elements.

He painted many of his masterpieces entirely out of doors - there's even one with rain marks in the top corner.

I looked at his Sailsbury Cathedral paintings in a new light.

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