Hoswick Gospel Hall

A misty damp morning cleared into a fairly sunny and windy afternoon, warm too and then a shower at teatime.  This weather has been fine the past few days and will make the winter shorter :)

I was up really early today to run mam to the airport at 6am but back to bed with the misty morning.  The morning has been spent puttering about the house and then out walkies with Sammy dog to Sandwick again and the hamlet of Hoswick.  I even met in with a friend at his work there in a knitwear factory.
I went to Lerwick in the afternoon for messages and there been a massive cruise liner in, the Norwegian Star!  Glad I've been on holiday and missed the mass of visitors to the isle.  Think this is the last liner of the busy season :)
Off to pick mam up from the airport again this evening.

I love a walk around Hoswick.  It's a small township but full of traditional houses and was once home to my local pub, the Barclay Arms that is no longer open.  This old tin kirk fairly stands out when you enter the hamlet.  The colours looks great, along with the lines :)  Not sure when it was used last but it's looks very derelict :)

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