Bit of a Rainbow

It's been a fine enough day, plenty of sunshine but the odd heavy shower now and again. 

It's been a fairly busy day in the museum.  Shetland Wool Week starts tomorrow and plenty of folk have arrived today for it.  For the next week, it'll be all things woolly, not that I'm any use at knitting but might be able to answer a few questions :)  
A quiet night a home, working this weekend in the museum.  I'll try walkies with Sammy in between the showers.

It's been a day of rainbows.  Plenty of sunshine and plenty of odd showers here and there to create the natural wonder.  It seemed every time I looked out the window, there was another one in the sky.  This one I thought was a little odd, just part of a rainbow.  Taken from the Shetland Museum, looking over Hay's Dock, Lerwick. 

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