Mumpy and Pawpee

The day started dreich and I donned full waterproofs for the trudge up the hill with the woofers. Half way up the hill, the rain stopped and the sun came out, making me a bit of a boil in the bag Porridge...
Leaving the dogs to sprawl around the house, I zoomed into town for bits and then off to the Pier Arts Centre in Stromness to sort out a leak. It turned out their leak was the overflow from a tank, so it was back to town for a new float valve. *Sigh*
That fixed, I trundled to Andy's, to start sorting out the mass of pipework which is hidden inside a wall he wants to remove. It is going to take a while to work it all out, so I will return tomorrow. A late lunch at the shore and I happened to arrive just as Mum and Dad got there with Evie the Wonderdog. We stopped and chatted and then I watched as they wandered along the edge of the sea, holding hands as always whilst Evie led the way.
After lunch, I trundled to see Keith again, then home in time to go for a wander with the woofers and my beautiful fiancée.
Today has been a good day.

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