at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Don't forget the beetroot mummy!

Ivy got distracted by beetroot in Tesco today ( we don't need any, loads in the garden still). Eventually in an attempt to get her moving I told her to bring some beetroot, which she did and then put it in the basket. I hadn't relised she knew how Tesco worked yet. Then she went back to get more beetroot. Ended up with 8 packets in the basket in the end.

No Euan at lunch today- he was at Teacher training in Ness. So ivy and I ate ourselves. She polished off most of her cheese, Ham and avocado toastie.

When she woke from her afternoon nap I told her we were going to go see Katy ( to drop off an only slightly beery nappy bucket) and ivy repeated 'cc ti' and we got downstairs climbed into her shoe chair and said it again so I think she knew who I meant.

Ivy spent alot of time playing by herself outside of Katys house. She'd currently rather be out than in. She waved cheerfully at a passing hearse and tried to follow it Down the street.

When Euan came Home ivy was in the back garden. She was getting really girny so I put her out to play, which instantly cheered her up she even held out her arms for her raincoat since it was drizzling.

We had lasagne made with last nights ragu and Ivy's portion was blended so she could use her spoon- she approved.

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