Thursday: The Roadtrip

Today has been spent exclusively on the road. When planning this journey, we wanted to ensure that none of our journeys were excessively long. Today was the exception, though, as we really couldn't find anywhere en route that was worth staying in.........

So, today, we have crossed four borders and driven in five countries. We went from Macedonia, through Kosovo, Albania, Montenegro and are now back in Croatia, in Cavtat, just south of Dubrovnik. This is our next stop for the next few days and we are planning to have a lazy time!

In total, the journey took just under ten hours and here is a pretty typical road we travelled on. This particular stretch was in Kosovo.

Slightly irritatingly, there has been a mix up with our accommodation in Cavtat, in that the place we had booked has double booked. So we are in one place tonight, and have to move tomorrow. We had been particularly looking forward to a few days of not moving, so are a bit disappointed.......particularly as there is also a bit of a difference in calibre. But we'll try and sort it out tomorrow.

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