
By stellarossa

I'm a winner!

After a long not very satisfying day at work, followed by a parent's evening, I cycled across town to an event by the Oxford Circle - a group of inspiring women who organise fundraising events for Oxfam.

It was at the very trendy Varsity Club and I put on my best glad rags including a lovely silk linen top with long ties that hang, hang… hang down very close to the cogs on a bicycle. Luckily I managed to stop as I felt the pull of my top getting tangled otherwise I would have been yanked off my bike in the path of a bus.

Once I'd disentangled myself I looked rather worse for wear, with chain oil smears across my lovely outfit. So, arriving late, my friend Claire, one of the organisers,urged me to go up and buy a raffle ticket quickly as they were about to draw, and the prize was a sculpture by artist Rachel Ducker whose work was being exhibited as part of the event. I scraped around finding a fiver - the minimum for a ticket feeling rather a skinflint as my ticket was dropped in with all the ones with £20 s attached.

And, of course, I won - this is a rather poor image because I drank two very large glasses of wine which did not improve my photography skills it turns out, and left me with a pounding headache at 3am.

However the BREAKING NEWS is that Bundle who joined me at the event, has absolutely PROMISED to start blipping again with a photo from the evening.

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