
Thank goodness it is Friday! It had become something of a tradition on a Friday evening to meet at La Baguette Magique (our local Boulangerie whose name literally translated means wand) for an after work drink which Philip and I enjoyed tremendously and started the week end wonderfully.

Tonight we met with several other English families who live locally so that the children could play and we could chat with a glass of vin!

During our time there, there was a terrible road traffic accident between a small van and a motorcycle which resulted in Crozet608 and I putting our first aid training into effect! Luckily I had a well stocked first aid kit in the car which enabled us to stem the bleeding until the Pompiers arrived! It is amazing how our french vocabulary sprung into action when directing others to protect the back whilst I held the head. We were a little concerned that others were trying to remove the helmet and move the body but I think we got our message across.

The poor lad was only 17 but the air ambulance arrived and took him off to hospital. I think with a few broken limbs and a nasty cut but fairly compus mentis! Afterwards we needed a drink.

Our thoughts are certainly with this young man tonight and hope he makes a speedy recovery!

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