Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench


Tess, happy and relaxed just after her class took their turn to present to the school assembly on the rights of the child, and all the stuff about respect and inclusion that goes with it. Us adults sometimes fall short in that department, even when we try our very bestest not too. I'm not getting a gold star any time soon as one thing's for sure, Tess could be forgiven for not recognising her mother this past year what with work and community stuff creeping up and up. Next week's shaping up to be full on with three different and completely unrelated community meetings on three consecutive nights and an all day Saturday event too, squeezing the day job in-between. A very big bit of me just wants to jump off the merry go round, stop in and sit and watch a movie with Tess. Like tonight, when we all watched the Princess Bride, an oldie but a goodie.

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