Nothing is worth more

By libbys

old and new

Wonderful cold sharp morning. Met at the Commonwealth Pool for a day's ride out into East Lothian. The light all day was fantastic and I took this shot just before we started out - I liked the contrast between the rough sandstone Crags behind and the smooth manmade glass building of Scottish Widows . And I like the way the colours of both the old and the new tone so well.

Had a great run, out via Musselburgh Prom, up the Esk River, Smeaton Farm, Elphinstone, Boggs Holdings, Athelstaneford to East Linton. Lots of slow hard climbing, found it quite tough of those days when you feel someone has turned off the battery to your legs. Back home via North Berwick and Aberlady. The light on the sea and over the hills to the west was terrific. Snow on many side roads.

Apologies no blip for yesterday, could not access the site for some reason so my beautiful canalside shot will have to wait.

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