Porty People and Nearby Places

This view of our home city, Edinburgh, the city of Tiggy's birth and where our first two children were also born needs little explanation.

The vantage point is from the top of the upturned telescope tower that is the Nelson Monument on the top of Calton Hill. (106 feet and 143 steps high.)

The building in the foreground is St Andrews House where Cameron and Salmond signed The Edinburgh agreement in 2012 sparking off the two year Referendum campaign.

Beyond the glass roof of Edinburgh's Waverley Railway station sits the volcanic plug crowned by Edinburgh Castle. The Old Town runs from Holyrood to the Castle up The Royal Mile. The New Town, built in the Georgian period runs to the north of Princes Street which can be clearly seen to the right of my blip running east to west.

Beyond the Pentland Hills spill into Edinburgh's southern suburbs. Behind me, the Firth of Forth laps along Edinburgh's northern boundary and its beaches are very popular source of blippage!

Today was Edinburgh's Open Doors day and the highlights for me were the Burns Monument on Calton Hill and the Register House at the east end of Princes Street where Tiggy, L and E's births and our wedding in 1977 are all registered.

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