Caramacs & Monkey Socks

By AmyW

The Riverside Museum

My mum and I FINALLY went to the Riverside Museum while we were in Glasgow. We've been talking about going since it opened in 2011! I used to love going to the transport museum when I was wee, and while there are a lot of good things about the new one, there are a lot of things that aren't quite so good! For example, there aren't many interactive bits - where are all the buttons to press that make things happen?! They also have a lot of the cars stacked up really high on shelves sticking out of the walls, so you can't have a close look at them, and you aren't allowed to touch or go on most of the exhibits.
Oh well. We did have a nice lunch there though, and I was surprised to come across Ewan McGregor's bikes from his Long Way Down and Long Way Round trips that he did with Charley Boorman. It's making me want to dig out my dvds and watch the series all over again!

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