The Wedding

On the beach, in Virginia Beach, Virginia. 6 p.m. sharp, about a half hour before the sun set. The bride is my niece, my older sister's daughter.

The old guy in the picture is my Dad. He did the ceremony, and did a great job. I thought I could sense him getting a little "shaky" (read emotional) a couple of times, but he pulled it off nicely.

We had a nice family contingent show up. An even dozen of us. I tried not to dwell on it, but I wish my Mom and my sister could have been here. They would have taken charge.

One more day in our beach house, and then we're heading home to Michigan on Monday. Sorry for lack of comments, but we've been doing family and beachy type things, and I just don't want to spend the time on the 'puter.

Best of luck to the new couple. Love and respect...that's the way to git 'er done.

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