Christmas Card Finished

Four of us took off this morning for the Neptune Festival Sand Sculpture Contest in Virginia Beach. Quite a show.

All the sculptures were finished. We didn't get to see any of the artists working.

They had this winter scene set up near the exit. This is me, my wife Lisa, my brother Dave, and my dad Jim. Two young men were assigned to work your camera, or your phone. Snap, snap, snap.

On my FLICKR PAGE are many pictures of the professionals sand sculpture work. Almost hard to believe that it is just sand and water (and sometimes some watered-down glue at the end.)

Artistry...sheer sand artistry.

Merrick and I did get in the ocean for quite a while this afternoon. It was surprisingly warm, with some nice sized waves rolling in. Nothing like the big water.

Must go pack now. Out of here at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

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