Knee Operation...Round 2

I would have really like today's blip to be of Matthew being presented to The Princess Royal today but of course he couldn't take a photo and I wasn't invited. The was being presented for installation of a Clock in the new buildings for Harris Manchester College in Oxford. You can see the clock here!

So todays blip is of my brothers leg, he had his second, and hopefully final, knee operation on Wednesday and is now back home. He has to be off his feet as much as possible and only partial weight on his leg when he walking (0n crutches). The blue thing on his knee is a pad that is filled with chilled water from the Cyropot and he has to do this for 15 mins 3 or 4 times a day. It's going to be a long road to recovery for him but in the long term it will be worth it. We are both bad patients so it's also going to be a long road for Lisa and the boys!!

I visited him this afternoon and we looked through the 600 odd old slides I scanned earlier in the month, good memories and some good laughs. I needed the laughs as I am feeling very low indeed at the moment and can't seem to lift my spirits, everything is so jumbled in my head I can't make simple decisions or even plan anything.

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