September Selfie No 28

Having spent several back breaking hours having an Autumn clear out in the garden, I summons the rest of the house hold to join me wearing some form of head wear so I didn't look the only twat in my gardening hat. (This is your fault Goatee Booknerd! Who said the last one last one didnt count as I was blurry! ) Mr W however decided he wasn't quite ready and continued trying to fix my bird clock that he had just taken apart in an attempt to get the right birds chirping at the tight time. He's nearly done it. They now chirp at a quarter too the hour!!!! He can be seen sitting in the large window!

So front of the garden is done, back and side garden will have to wait till the green bin has room!!

Shower, dinner, X Factor and Downton.


xXx ♡ xXx

P's. Don't worry, only 3 Selfies left. Thank god!

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