Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

I've been trying every which way to photograph our fallen grapefruit tree. I've yet to do so. This time I played around with layers and things a bit, but what can I say?

I love this tree. Best red grapefruit I have ever tasted, and absolutely no need for sweetening. But she is tired, I think...after having been blown over twice in hurricanes, and having animals making lots of tunnels all about her in this sandy soil, and oh, so so many grapefruit. Lots and lots to share.

Ed says "she is just taking a rest". Michele covered her exposed roots with lots of good rich store bought soil, and so far she is still playing gracious host to many nice visitors.

Today is Gabriel's 1st birthday party since they could not have his birthday on the weekend of the 14th due to viruses that were going back and forth. We keep thinking about how much we would love to be there, and also we keep smiling a lot thinking about how much love and fun is being shared right now.

Marya is flying there next weekend, as who wants to have to share holding the baby when you only have a few days a year you can be there? Doggone it...where is my "beam me up, Scottie" thingy when I need it?

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