Newquay again

Last Sunday I got blipped in Newquay and today we went to Newquay again. And do you know what? ………………Little doggies, like me, are allowed on most of Newquay beaches all the year round. Yay!

Why did we not know that??? We’ve been to Newquay loads of times and Ann has always avoided taking me on the beach in the summer because she just assumed that Newquay had the same doggie beach ban as St Ives. However after a bit of ‘googling’, we’ve now discovered that most of the beaches on the North Coast of Cornwall, from Perranporth to Padstow are doggie friendly.

It was lovely & sunny in Newquay, so today we walked all the way along Fistral Beach and round to the harbour, where we had a yummy lunch on a pub roof terrace in the sunshine though the inside of the bar was a bit of a dive!

Then we walked along all the town beaches, strolled through the town and back to the car and all that took us about 3 hours.

And now we’re home, we’re both exhausted. We had to have a little lie down for half an hour before Ann’s friend, Helga, came round to do her nails. I was badly behaved while Helga was here. I’d had my dinner and two chews but I was leaping around all over the place, just generally being annoying and demanding attention.

Ann didn’t have a clue what I wanted until she eventually worked it out…………….. Three hours of nonstop running, swimming and walking had made me extra hungry so I wanted seconds of dinner. Now I’m chillaxing on the sun terrace but it’s too cold out there for Ann. She’s going to do some domesticated chores and then watch ‘X Factor’ & ‘Downton’.

And then she’s off to bed for an early night! …………..Guess that means I’ve got to have an early night too???

Happy Sunday Evening Blippers xxx

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