
I HATE sharing?!

Today I went to my dog sitters.

I always go to my dog sitters on a Saturday because Ann works all day.

What usually happens is..................... Christian comes and gets me and we go for my walk, then we go back to his house.

I spend the afternoon playing in the garden and sometimes I just lie in the kitchen when Lynda is cooking. Lynda gives me a lot of little titbits!

Anyway................. today after my walk I arrived at Christian's house and found this little spaniel already there........................

The little spaniel was called Tia and Lynda is looking after her for 10 days.

She was quite nice, but just to make sure she knew I was 'top dog' I gave a little growl!!!! I'm not used to sharing my dog sitters!!!!

After that we were fine together.

...............And when Ann came to pick me up, she wanted to BLIP us together ........................ but Tia doesn't know the word 'BLIP' so Lynda had to hold her in position!!!!!!!!!!!!!

..............And that is why this BLIP has got hands in it!!!!!

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