Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Paying Attention

When I blipped this plant this past Monday, I thought it would just be a day or two and all the winky-dinky buds would open to form what looks like one flower. So this afternoon I headed toward the water fountain side of the backyard thinking they would all be in full fanfare -- showing off their stuff. These little guys are exercising my patience. Actually, I think they just want my attention.

I tell my students that the most expensive thing they will pay this semester is attention. They must "pay attention" if they want to get the most from their courses. These little flowers are helping me to relate to my students. Once these flowers get-up the gumption to bloom, they won't last long. If I don't give them some attention every day, I'll miss their spectacular performance and then I'll have to wait another year because they only give one performance a year.

Today I didn't even manage to capture the leaves of this succulent plant. I don't know the name of this plant with the winky-dinky blossoms.

In the background the Brugmansia Hetty Krauss tree is sporting its luscious green leaves, and when it blossoms with beautiful peach colored "Angel Trumpet" flowers if I'm not paying attention the performance is over before it has begun. They are here and gone rapidly and they won't wait for me. I must pay attention.

I think the lesson for me is one that I've known for along time and I'm currently getting a reminder -- it's much more important to pay attention that to get attention.

The oranges that I blipped yesterday -- oh my, they are absolutely as sweet and as juicy and as delicious as many of you thought they would be. I wish I could give each of you a bag full. Thanks for your comments.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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