Road Safety

Hey everybody, Barney here.

Today I'd like to talk to you about road safety.
I was out in the front garden yesterday afternoon with one of my humans, when woosh, out the corner of my eye I saw a cat zooming by.
Anyway, I quite forgot myself for a moment and before you could say let's play chase, I was off.
Next thing I knew, BANG! there I was flying down the road.
I'd ran straight into the path of a car!
Too late for the driver to miss me but thank goodness he applied his brakes!
I managed to stand up, but, as Mrs Vet described it, I had 'multiple lacerations and impact wounds'.
Mrs Vet was brilliant by the way and was waiting at the surgery for me to arrive.
I was X-Rayed, scanned, shaved, cleaned and stapled back together again (13 staples to be exact).
I'm still a bit groggy and in a fair bit of pain, but thankfully, no broken bones or internal damage.
Ok, I won't be running or playing down the beach for a while but I'm sooo lucky to be here.
In fact one of my humans mentioned buying a lottery ticket for me.

So, yes, road safety - always make sure your human has attached you to something secure when you're out in your front garden, just in case you have a mad attack and decide to chase after a cat or a squirrel!
(Oh, the irony...yesterday morning it was us trying to get away from a cat!)

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