what we did today...

By SarnieV

Indian summer

Love this weather! It's still so mild. Not loving all the wee flies that are hanging around all my washing tho, but guess it's a small price for the warm weather and the opportunity to sit outside in shorts and t-shirt on 29th September.

I had a bonus couple of hours of free time this aft as my boys went on an unplanned play & tea date. I spent the time productively researching long lenses for my DSLR camera. I need a longer lense so I can photograph birds without disturbing them, and produce good enough photos to work from for paintings. I popped a question on a photography forum and one of the clever people suggested it was actually cheaper and better for what I needed to get a new camera! So a new camera is on it's way. Exciting!

My blip today is the view of the sunrise from the bedroom, just after breakfast.

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