I was wandering around the garden looking for something to blip, and as usual had taken lots of photographs - some good, some not so good - and then I came across this courgette flower which had been pushed out through the wire netting. Mr. HCB has had to net all his raised beds because the cat from next door seems to think they are giant litter trays!

If you look closer, you can see a beautiful yellow courgette behind the flower, so although the flower had been impeded by the wire, it hadn't stopped the courgette from forming and growing.

Sometimes I feel as if I am "up against the wire" and life seems hard, but I know that through the difficult and often painful circumstances in my life, I am still growing and learning.

I was privileged to be in a card shop in the town yesterday when a lady was looking for a birthday card for her mother, who was in a special nursing home because she had dementia. She told me that she would be away for her mother's birthday but wanted to get a card that her mother would be able to relate to, even though she wouldn't be there with her on the day. She had tears in her eyes and was obviously quite upset so in the middle of the shop, we hugged each other! I believe I was in the right place at the right time!

No test or temptation that comes your way
is beyond the course of what others have had to face.
All you need to remember
is that God will never let you down;
he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit;
he’ll always be there to help you come through it.
I Corinthians 10:13
The Message

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