
By Mindseye

Blue borage

Been a warm but grey day today.
Been out for a walk as some fresh air it helps with the blocked up nose and stuffy feeling.......thought id escaped a cold, but no :-( then it was on to some cooking; firstly a lasagna to freeze so we can take with us on Wednesday when we are looking after Olivia, who also has a cold apparently (maybe that's where I got mine from, or maybe vice versa) thought a curry for tea tonight might also help with the blocked nose ;-) Chicken Rogan Josh......it did! Anyhow I digress; I have to admit I bought this herb a few weeks ago solely for it's beautiful blue flowers! It's only been in the ground for 3/4 weeks and has grown several inches and quite a few new leaves and as you can see, lots of blue flowers, with there hairy stems! I will have to read up on it's uses as a herb though!

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