Rings on strings

The first pic I took today was just after midnight. An attempt to get a shot of a faint aurora that dimly lit the sky at the end of the garden. An 80 second exposure gave me a fuzzy greenish image of a sky streaked with stars. The aurora will be better, I am sure.
I zoomed off to work this morning leaving my beautiful fiancée to take the woofers for their first wander of the day. My time was well and truly wasted on the job I went to deal with - a ventilation problem rather than a plumbing problem. Back home and I did some of the household chores that seem to be ever ending, then dropped HV off at the hairdresser before taking the woofers for the afternoon wander.
I stopped off at the scrapyard where the change to autumn means that the undergrowth is beginning to die back. The blip opportunities are becoming more varied. I liked these old steel cables amongst the nettles.

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