Watcher on the sands

This morning, waking up was a much more pleasant experience. Well rested and feeling good, my beautiful girl and I took a slow amble up the hill with the woofers. We stopped off briefly at home again before heading for town. Alasdair was given a cheque, a visit to Birsay Farmers saw us leave with a new lead for Talisker the Huge (he was weighed today - 45.5kg, an increase of near enough 3 kilos in a couple of months!), then on to a couple of things in town.
We were to collect a glass carbouy that had been advertised on the local sales site, so it was a good excuse to head down the Churchill barriers and have a wander on the beach at Barrier 4. The beach is a beautiful expanse of sand which has been deposited since the barrier was built in WWII. The dogs, Kayte and I always enjoy it there. The sun was fabulously warm for the end of September and the light winds stopped us from getting too warm. The woofers entertained themselves by racing along the beach and diving into the water, chasing each other, chasing us, chasing sticks, stones and bits of seaweed. Talisker the Big did a fair bit of swimming.
Whilst on the beach, we were constantly observed by this nameless watcher. The history and reasons for his presence evade me, but it would appear that it is a telegraph pole carved into a face and topped off with a helmet. I liked him against the blue sky today.

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