Womster's poorly

Just when you think things can't get any worse.....
Last night, because of Lee having to get up at 4:30, I said I would sleep in the nursery so as not to disturb him. I'm so tired I can pretty much sleep anywhere at the mo so it wasn't a problem. Good job I did.

Womster isn't well. Having taken him to the doctors it nothing major, nasty virus, but from about midnight, each time Wommie managed to get to sleep in the cot he would start to sound like a seagull in distress! The only way this was preventable was to have him in bed with me, propped up on the V cushion (don't tell the health visitors)

Nursery run done, doctors done, I was done in. The two of us snuggled on the sofa and I managed to sleep through all of homes under the hammer. The McDonald's fairy delivered a Big Mac meal which definitely cheered me up.

Headed to boots to get Vicks for his feet, saline drops for his nose and Calpol plug ins for his room. Got cross with a selfish git who parked in one of the four mother and baby gaps with no child / child seat. He made he foolish comment of saying thats a heavy load you've got my reply was along the lines of its only heavy because of selfish idiots like you parking in the mother and baby gaps. yes I know I shouldn't get arsey with people but he just annoyed me soooooo much

Headed from there to a talk on baby weaning, phone rang as I was driving. Didn't answer it. Got to the children's centre, talk cancelled! Stayed for sensory play and a nice chat then went to see a lovely friend. Had a great catch up with her, picked Munchie up headed home.

Bath completed. Total meltdown from Charlotte as she wanted to rub the Vicks into Woms feet and I wouldn't let her as I knew she would end up rubbing her eyes and getting Vicks in them! Then total meltdown as she wanted to do a wee on the potty rather than the toilet, then total meltdown as she wanted daddy....... Eventually got both of them to sleep, felt like forever but wasn't that late really.

Today's blip was taken when Charlotte told me that Wom had to get into her bed whilst bath was running. I have kept persevering with stopping her having a bottle of milk at night but tonight was not the night to have that battle.

Lee not happy bunny, got to his hotel having driven to London then on from London to his location for tomorrow, to be told no room had been booked for him

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