I got it! I am coming!

Hello my friends! This is Millie my lovely friend was swimming. Today I went for a walk with her after my art class. By the way I started with the painting of Millie today. I am so happy that I have started.
The day was wonderful, warm and sunshine. The water should be nice because Millie was bringing me the stick three times. She enjoyed swimming a lot and she was happy to get the stick for me. I love the sparkling water and her expression looking at me. It was under the bridge so she was just coming and the sunrays shining around her was amazing. It was not easy to get her but it is the best try haha!
We went with another friend of Millie but she doesn't like the water so maybe the next time I will post her.
We found another friend on the walk. Lisa my friend from the art class joined us so the walk was perfect and we had a nice chat all the way. Thanks Lisa for your great company. We will repeat it again I hope haha! I need to lose some weight that I put on during my holidays.
Thanks a lot for the comments and stars for my bird blip yesterday.
Have a nice day and enjoy the time. Hope you are smiling with Millie.

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