at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Proper shoes!

Ivy, is wearing proper soled shoes here for the first time. They're currently too long, but stay on her feet so will do for wet, cold outside ground when worn with thick knitted socks. We've been lent them by Bryony, whose daughter Maisie is constantly name dropped to us whenever anyone says how small Ivy is, as another little girl who didn't grow to her centile charts. I wanted a picture of Ivy sitting in her shoe chair with her new shoes, Ivy had other ideas and new that shoes on meant time to go outside to play.

Ivy was absoloutly not for Euan leaving for work this morning- she clung to him and cried when he said 'byebye'

At Playgroup this morning Ivy was very cuddly, not just to me but to lots of other adults. She ran to the circle for action songs (her shaking hands to the scarecrow song is amazing now) but then ran off halfway through when she spotted a ball to play with. I watched the BBC horizon programme on girls and boys brains apparently boy toddlers seem to prefer balls and trucks and girls to prefer dolls and teddies. Clearly noone has told Ivy. At snack, she disgarded pineapple in favour of cheese (in fact since they looked almost the same, she had to lick all the pieces to decide what she wanted). Her bowl was empty by the end, (altough another little boy did pop his head up and finish everyone pineapple including Ivy's)

Whilst I made lunch, Euan hung up the washing and Ivy went out in the garden, which she then left to go to the park. I love that she's confident enough to do that. Bryony also gave us a warm suit and jacket that will fit Ivy, that will be perfect for garden play time.

Found tumble tots action songs on spotify so Ivy could show Euan how good she was at actions. She can do 'shoulders' now in 'head, shoulders...'

Ivy bit Euan's shoulder after her bath and so he stopped cuddling her and told her off. She was incredily upset, even after he cuddled her and long past her being told off. 15 minutes later she was still giving the occasional howl, mixed in with 'da da'. She isn't a naughty child, because she absoloutly wants to make us happy and is so upset when she doesn't. She's just a bit full of mischief sometimes.

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