at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Breakfast club

We had Finlay and Nuala over for breakfast this morning. Ivy was just getting grumpy when they appeared and cheered up instantly (before going straight for the sealed lunchboxes containing chocolate brioche, I think she has some sort of chocolate senses). Ivy chased Nuala through the tunnel (and even said Nuala) and attempted to play a duet with Finlay on her desk bells.

Our new carrier came today- I won this one in a raffle for £3. It is by far and away the most expensive carrier we will ever own, and altough I didn't think the design was very me, it's actually lovely in person. It is baby sized, but fits Ivy knee to knee with room to spare altough she can pop her arms out of the top as the back is shortish on her. Took her to tesco in it to practise, it is super comfortable with it's very wide thick straps. Ivy popped her arms out to choose her own apple.

Euan confussed Ivy by coming in the wrong door at lunch, when she was waiting on the front step for him,

I woke her up from her afternoon nap after only an hour so she could catch the end of softplay. I opened the curtains to let her wake up gradualy- she was very funny, she rubbed her eyes, then sat up then seemed to say '5 more minutes' and flopped back down. She was a bit grumpy from being still tired though and wouldn't tolerate being cuddled and 'helped' by the older girls at softplay. Some of the third years were being taught martial arts in the other half of the hall, and Ivy wanted to go watch but the instructor kept telling her off. Frankly I think he'd have wasted less itme if he made less of a fuss and just let her watch from a distance, but we all have our own teaching styles.

Ayesha gave me a lift down to collect a basket of Ivy's toys we'd lent to someone who used to be a friend, that they had left out in the pouring rain for us to collect.

Ivy wolfed down her dinner of creamy chicken and mushroom tagietelle (she was clearly hungry, before dinner she attempted to gnaw through the skins of 4 bannanas at once - and mostly succeeded with one of them).

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