
By stujphoto

The Tour Group

Yesterday as I had some time to kill in Edinburgh, I wandered along the top of Princes Street Gardens taking candid shots of people sitting on the benches. Doing it the sneaky way of walking along with my compact held low in my hand snapping folk as I walked along without looking at my camera at all. I must find some way of keeping the camera at a reasonable angle as you end up with half the picture having to be cropped out because the camera has taken shots at a crazy angle, very hit and miss. Still I did end up with one or two reasonable shots. However, as I was doing this I bumped into a tour group being harangued by a guide in some language I could not recognise. I saw them again later in the square outside the art museums standing around the model of Edinburgh. This gave me a chance to feign interest in the model and take a few shots of the group, whilst they listened to their tour leader.

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