
By stujphoto

The reluctant model

Having been unsuccessful the other day at capturing the heron sitting on its perch on the other side of Seafield Pond I determined to have another go. In one way I made things easier for myself by putting a two times converter on my 200mm lens in that I could see the bird more clearly but , of course , I added to my difficulties of low light photography because I now needed a far higher shutter speed to compensate for the longer lens combination. I took many shots most of which have ended up in the Trash but I did have one to two sort of OK shots. Sophisticated sharpening techniques and noise reduction have had to be applied but we have a result. I guess the next stage would be to use a tripod instead of a monopod but maybe I would do better to capture it in better lighting in any case.

Oddly enough I actually captured another heron which flew across the pond rather more successfully and I have included that in my blip folio. (HERE)

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