King's Wood Canopy
On my way to Kingswood Surgery this morning to find out the results of a routine blood test and also have a health check with the practice nurse, I realised I'd got time for a short walk in the wood that neighbours it. I haven't been in here for a while, and it reminds me that this area, not so long ago, was covered by huge tracts of beech wood. Even today, it's quite possible to get lost in it without a map and a good sense of direction.
Health check results: blood pressure OK (although towards high end of normal range); blood sugar within normal range; good cholesterol balancing bad cholesterol nicely; weight a bit above what it should be, though not in obese range. So I need to make sure I get regular exercise and watch my weight, which I pretty much know already. No nasty surprises - so good health is another thing for me to be thankful for today.
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