
By jp70

October challenge : Day 2


So today started off badly.

My son did not earn his reward for this evening, so he kicked off in the car and started hitting me. I had to stop and move him into the backseat and then drive on quiet empty roads stopping occasionally when he kicked me.

He gets a reward for going to the toilet appropriately.
He apologised because he thought he would get his reward back.
He hit me again when it didn't work.

People beeped their horns at me for stopping at the traffic lights and delaying their journey whilst I moved him.

None of them understood.

School were fantastic when I eventually got there. They made me a cuppa and gave me sympathy. I am proud that I managed to stay calm and kept us and everyone else on the road safe.

I am the parent of a teenager with a hidden disability. This is a photo of my car sticker.... It's also hidden in the reflections.

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