Drip, drip, drip

That's been the main activity of my nose today; I have a cold.

I've felt bleurgh all day, and joked to my boss that maybe I have Ebola. I got zero sympathy, he just said my eyes weren't bleeding so it can't be that bad!

It's no fun when you're treating patients, especially when I'm positioned over them most of the time. I'm just lucky that the mask is there to catch the drips.
The big inconvenience is having to stop to sneeze & blow my nose; it's gloves off, blow, wash hands, new gloves.....and they're a bugger to get on when your hands are damp!

My saviour has been Mr A, who got me these tablets, and some flowers to help me get better soon.

He's working tonight, so I am fed, showered and in bed already (6.30pm) as I feel like that's what I need right now.

I'm working my way through an iBook at the moment, so bed is the comfiest place to read it.

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