Leith Walk (ish)
It's funny, I'm not native to Embra, but already I find myself going to places I feel like I knew in a previous life.
This is the back of what I always knew as Pillans & Wilson, before the merged with Waddies (formerly of 97 Slateford Road) and both emigrated to Deans Industrial Estate in Livingston.
I knew a lot about printers and binders from my time in Hong Kong (Jan 95 - November 97) - endless runs to the 20th floor of a shady building in Chai Wan waiting for endlessly repetitive machines to churn out a billion share offer portfolios, the smell of the ink, the noise and drama, the relentless ness of it all. And to then get them back here after that was a continuation.
But today it all seemed so far away.
There's a lot of tagging goes on around here, if you can pick your way through the needles (and the damage done).
White infill, black border, dated 14. Quite light, fluffy, somehow easy? As Leith Walk rattled and hummed just over the back of the wall, I had a peaceful uninterrupted half hour of sunshine and no phones ringing. The joy of Cigs.
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