Summer sun, Autumn colours

Today was my visit to the hygienist. I hate going to the dentist or hygienist but I dutifully trot along, at regular intervals, nervously.

Last time, my hygienist was ill (this is the replacement hygienist, because Maggie has been off sick for some time.) This time, they couldn't get me on the phone (odd - no missed calls or alleged message). Heather was off sick again so they offered me one of the dentists.

It turned out to be the new Irish dentist. He was charming, gentle, skilled (and gorgeous looking). I admit, I had heard he was good from my sister, who has recently joined his list.

So no problems there then :-)

On my way home, I decided to try my luck and get into Sudbury Hall. My previous visit, I couldn't get in. Now that wasn't an issue - but the rudeness and unfriendly approach of the volunteers was.

Today I had a fabulous visit. The Hall is far nicer than I'd expected (and Mr Darcy was filmed in the Library - if it's good enough for Colin Firth !!!!!!!)

Chatting to one of the volunteers, who couldn't have been more welcoming and interesting, I told her about my disappointment last time. She said, "It must have been a Wednesday..... they're not as friendly as us."

So, the moral of this tale - some days your luck is in. And visit Sudbury Hall on a Friday.

Sudbury Hall

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