Strand Underpass

Having spent a reassuringly (relatively) event-free day at our client's offices, I arrived back at my folks' around half-three, just in time to see them set off on a short break. They drove off for Gatwick in the car and I walked up to Malden Manor to take the train into London.

I was meeting up with my good friend, Ash, but not until around five o'clock so I decided I'd walk up from Waterloo to Holburn. As I went over the bridge I saw the entrance to the Strand Underpass, which uses the old Kingsway Tramway Subway. Towards the north end of the bridge, traffic disappears down into its maw.

On foot, I couldn't follow them. Instead I walked up Lancaster Place, onto Aldwych and round to Kingsway, where I struck north to Holburn. I'm not quite sure what goes on underground; the traffic that disappeared from Waterloo Bridge emerges at Kemble Street but, further north, there's another exit by Southampton Row, where I took this photo.

There's clearly something going on down there: I wonder what it is?

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