Skip's Blips

By Skip


Visited the orthopedic doctor for my bi-weekly visit today. "Go next door," he told me, "to make an appointment with the physical therapist." According to today's x-ray, it is healed enough that I can start therapy, so I went next door, was given all this paper work to fill out, and I have an appointment for tomorrow morning. The other piece of really good news is that I don't have to wear the sling when I am at home, just when I go out in public. I can even go to bed without the sling. Now if it would just stop hurting! I guess that will happen in due time. I have to remind myself to be patient, but you may have noticed that I am not a very patient person... in this regard anyway.

I continue to browse through blip and see all your marvelous pictures. I'm sorry my commenting is so limited, and I miss doing it, but it will pick up again as the arm begins to feel better and better.

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