Sick Day

I had the worst night's sleep last night that I can remember for a long time. I was having delirious repetitive dreams all night about a loan with Wonga (which we don't have!!) and piles of laundry and trying to work out whether the laundry was our arrears or the actual loan. Over and over and over. All while burning up and coughing and tossing and turning. Hideous.
So I felt pretty ropey this morning!
A quick Lemsip before taking the Little Misses to school - looking tired, snotty and unshowered. Lovely!
Then it was home and straight back to bed. A cup of tea, Homes Under the Hammer and then I slept until 3pm!!
And woke up all confused about what day it was!
I went and picked up the Little Misses and watched Miss E in her after school unihoc club which was very sweet and then bought them home, drank more Lemsip and went back to bed.
Hopefully my subconscious has resolved whatever credit/laundry issues it had and I will get a better night's sleep!

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