wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

And so it goes........

I have to tell you the beat goes on......

This morning we had a choral rehearsal. Ingrid picked me up and we stopped by Dunkin donuts for coffee. I decided to have oatmeal as , I love it and, it fills me up. So I ordered the oatmeal, I don't eat raisins they are so wicked gross so I said " hold them please" what I failed to say was... " please hold the beetles..(roach?) verdict is still out. That is obviously why there was a big one in the oatmeal. Ingrid said we were in the car talking away and suddenly I was silent. She knew THAT was cause for alarm.
I was so grossed out. I said turn around we are going back. Ingrid hates to make left hand turns. So after making a BIG circle. Square actually, we got back to dunkin's where I walked in and said to the lady behind the counter and said. Excuse me, we have a problem.
"What?" She asked.
I advised that there was a bug in the oatmeal I just bought.
" oh ok I get you another"
Survey says......ENNNNH
I advised her that I had somewhat lost my desire for oatmeal.
She said

I asked for her manger or owner.
She said" no manager no owner. Did you have the one with brown sugar or plain?"
I said
" I had the one with the roach in it"
She said: " ok you get money back"

On the way out I said to the long line........
" I wouldn't order the oatmeal if I were you."

This shot was taken this morning at Ingrid's parent's house.
When I was young, my grandparents had a camp. Our everyday dishes were Fiestaware. Looking at these brings back memories.

I am reminded of my promise from earlier in the week that when I have a bad experience I will look for something to be grateful for.

I am grateful for color and nice memories.
And for the knowledge that I never have to go to that Dunkin Donuts again.

As we speak, The sun is rising on a spring day Down under ........as we in the north watch the fall arrive full speed ahead. Good night and good morning..........

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