Englishtown Bay!

I had a really lovely day....did a Nia class this morning, which was fun and funky...then I spent the afternoon with a new friend, Jitka....a really wonderful woman, who has lived on the island for over 15 years, but like a lot of us, is from somewhere else! She just began making pots about 8 years ago.....and is full of enthusiasm. We had a lovely walk with her sweet new puppy, Chance....such a well behaved puppy I could hardly believe it....thro the forest and finally down to the beach! It was spectacular! To live across the road from the edge of the Atlantic ocean is pretty amazing! Then she made me a delicious omelet and we began that wonderful dance of sharing our history with each other. I feel like I could create a very good relationship with this woman....and I like that very much! We talked about all sorts of things: 'girl talk' (i.e. about the males in our lives!!!!) always so interesting at this stage in our lives....we talked about a trip she is taking,,,, food, and pots....a lovely mingling of shared passions (men and pottery!!!) and differences of aesthetics! An extremely energizing connection!

On the way to her place I stopped to get gas and noticed that the muffler was coming adrift from the car.....ahhh, I was quite worried! But low and behold, a wonderful local Cape Breton guy suggested I leave the car there, he'd pop home and get a piece of wire and fix it for me. So, Jitka and I drove together to her home, only about 1 km away....had our lovely afternoon together and she drove me back to find the car there, in the same spot, with the muffler firmly tied in place with a piece of wire!!!!

Thank You Gordan!

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