bucks life

By bucksmiss

Humping sofas

Last night, I had a great FaceTime chat with my old friend, I, whom I haven't spoken to in a good nine months. He lives in Gibraltar and we don't speak often enough really. We caught up on each other's year and somehow, randomly, ended up discussing our (early) retirement fantasies by planning a little haven in southern Spain with various of us friends all owning adjoining flats with our own shared pool and growing old together! Very appealing these days I must say, though we'd have to be discerning about who we choose to live in the commune...

The day started with a busy hour or so at B’s with P and P, shifting sofas and other large redundant furniture out into the car port so we can get the council to come and collect them. Getting two sofas down from the first floor was not at all obvious but we managed it eventually. I was bathed in sweat by the end though! P had to take a mallet and hammer to the bed frame to break it up or we'd have never got it out.

We also took two car loads of photos, trinkets, pictures etc. to my house for me to sort through and for others to come and look at to keep what they want. The boxes have covered my six foot dining table (with three underneath too) and I’ll need to be quite ruthless I think as there is quite a lot of stuff that will probably not mean anything to anyone else. But on the other hand I must be mindful of what others might want to keep. I think I’ve probably got a good idea though.

We had a welcome cool drink in the garden as the weather is lovely today (and I took this blip). P has done so much towards getting B’s estate sorted already without my help and we are lucky this time in that her estate won’t get into the inheritance tax bracket so that will avoid much of the bureaucracy we had with Daddy nine years ago, thank goodness. P is an absolute star.

I’ve got admin jobs to do at home this afternoon and am then going to PPP+H’s for a roast dinner this evening. Lucky me.

(Oh and I joined blip as a full member today, at long last!)

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