Retiring Donkeys.

J went out on the Triumph this morning, so i went for a walk. It was lovely weather for walking and i saw , and heard, lots of different birds, but by the time i had focused the camera, the birds had flown away. When i got home i had a cup of tea, and not long after J came home. He was home early as none of the "regular" crowd had turned up. He put the bike in the garage, and we went for a drive to Porthcawl. Thank goodness the hobby shop is closed today. When i was there yesterday, i saw that today, is the last day for the shows to be open, and i hope it's the last day for the poor donkeys to be on the beach. I hate to see them always looking so sad. I bet they look forward to the winter, when they don't have to be on the beach every day. We had a walk along the front, and came home for what we thought would be a quiet afternoon. We hadn't been home long, when there was a knock on the door. It was a friend of ours on his cycle. He went for a ride, and something had gone wrong in the back wheel, so he wanted J to have a look at it. Two hours later, the problem was solved. He is lucky that J can repair, and fix nearly everything.

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