Asparagus and Croome

Slightly bonkers night! At one point Lee and I were both snuggled up on the single futon! Not sure what, how or why, but was very snuggled and cosy.

Usual early start but hey ho.

Headed to Croome this morning, glorious weather, great friends, got told off for climbing trees! Pointed out to the volunteers who told us off that it's in the 50 things to do before you're 11 3/4 book which started her off on a right rant. It's been tweeted, awaiting retweet and also letters written!

Charlotte was in her element as she loves playing with C and E, but also quite happy to go to Rachel, Sarah and today even let the gruffalo hold her hand as she climbed a tree! omg, the NT don't like you doing this!!!!!!

Home, very chilled afternoon. Sarah came for early roast dinner, yummy. Wom throughly enjoyed carrot today followed by asparagus spears.

Followed by baths and bed.

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