Gone to the Dark Side

I’ve given up waiting for Apple to stop tantalising us with promises of an Edinburgh store. I knew it was time to change my trusty rusty ancient computer when instead of the usual pop-ups telling me ‘This web site no longer supports Windows XP’, I got a message asking me if I was taking the piss.

So now I’m part of the social movement that is the Mac community, having resisted until now on the grounds that I’m not an arty-farty, liberal, Guardian reading lecturer who eats hummus and wears black polo-neck jumpers. Not the hummus bit, anyway.

Telling me ‘it just works’ inspires me with no confidence whatsoever. Intuitive led design requires at least a modicum of intuition, and I suspect I’d already left when that was being dished out. And before understanding how it works, I’ve got to unlearn all my old habits. I spent half the afternoon trying to find out how to right-click (you can’t).

Anybody who tells me I should have stuck with Windows will be automatically unsubscribed.

Apple Scotland XXX

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