All is safely gathered in.

A strange thing happened in the gym this morning. I was on the cross trainer, with my headphones on , listening to James Morrison , when i saw a guy, a short distance away from me, sitting on the floor, between two of the machines. I looked over, and he got up and went back on the trainer, and carried on as if nothing had happened. I have seen this guy there before, but he has never made eye contact or said hello, and he always looks like death warmed up. I finished my program, got off the machine, and wondered if i should check if he was okay. I stopped in front of him and said, are you alright? He looked at me and said, what do you mean? I explained what i had seen, and he genuinely didn't know what had happened. He said that he suffers with a form of epilepsy, but he doesn't have the fits. I asked him if it was wise to exercise. He said that he tries to carry on as normal, so i said to him , i think you should go home and rest. He agreed, and got off and and we walked to the changing rooms. He told me he had had his driving license taken off him about five years ago, as it happened to him while he was driving. I asked him how he was getting home, and he said, he was going on the bus. He said the same thing had happened to him yesterday at home. I told him to make sure to tell his doctor. The best thing is, not one of the trainers in the gym noticed the incidence.
I left the gym and went into town, as i wanted to get my flu jab today. The first pharmacy couldn't do it until next week, so i went to Boots, and they did it straight away, although it cost me £12.99, and Tesco's are doing it for £9. Another eventful day.

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